Category: Uncategorized

Learn Marquetry – Upcoming Class

new work: Chickadee Panels
These panels were installed into existing walnut door frames to replace cracked glass. Click on the chickadee to see an image of the complete doors. The bigleaf maple background has a beautiful tight ripple, and the trees depicted are bigleaf maple in the upper left corner, and hazel, both local natives, along with the chestnut backed chickadees.
 upcoming: Cabrillo Classes

This summer I will be offering a marquetry class through the Cabrillo College Summer Arts program.

And if the 2 day class is more than you are ready to sign up for, there is also an “Artist’s Doorstep” program with 90 minute visits in art studios. Sign up here for Sunday 20 May visits to my studio.


Thanks for reading. Wishing everyone a wonderful spring!


Open Studios Art Tour in October

NEW WORK – Jewelry Chest with Barn Swallows

This piece is ready to fly home, but the owner has generously offered to let me show it during Open Studios (which is fast approaching).
Every drawer and compartment is lined with gorgeous blue velvet. I spent a lot of time using scissors instead of saws and chisels for this project! Come see it during Open Studios.


Visit my shop during the Open Studios Art Tour on Saturday and Sunday, October 7 & 8, and 21 & 22. Hours are from 11am to 5pm. I will also have painter Linda Curtis showing her work outside my shop. Come and meet 2 artists in 1 visit!
I put together a postcard representing all the Open Studios artists in Scotts Valley, including a map on the back. I’ll have plenty on hand in my shop, and will also distribute some around town. Open Studios is a great way to meet local artists in the spaces where they work and create. I hope to see you!

NEW WORK – Flying Crane and Vizslas


There has been lots happening in the shop lately, and I wanted to report on a couple projects that I felt particularly good about.

Flying Crane Reliquary
Flying Crane Reliquary

The Flying Crane Reliquary is a box that will contain the client’s loved one’s cremains. I feel privileged to be able to do work that holds such personal significance.

Flying Crane Reliquary


These days my sidekick in the shop is a vizsla dog named Zak. A recent commission combined my love of this amazing breed, with my passion for woodworking and marquetry in particular.

VCA Trophy
Vizsla Club of America Trophy

The Vizsla Club of America held its annual show in Del Mar, CA this year, and I made trophies for the winners in a variety of categories. Below is a photo of one of the winners displaying her awards, and below that, the winner of the agility trial.

Winner winner chicken dinner!
Agility Vizsla
VCA Agility Trial winner 2017

Anne & Mark’s Art Party in San Jose

I was invited to show new work at Anne & Mark’s Art Party, along with my colleagues in Santa Cruz Woodworkers. It is described as an occasional and irrational art fest, and the opening gala is September 24. The theme is taken from Alice in Wonderland, so what better place to unveil my new White Rabbit Music Stand!

Music Stand - White Rabbit detail
Music Stand – White Rabbit detail

Anne & Mark’s Art Party takes place September 24 through October 1 at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds. Check their website for more info. Hope to see you there.

Santa Cruz Woodworkers Exhibit at R. Blitzer Gallery

The Santa Cruz Woodworkers are exhibiting members’ work May 6 – 28 at R. Blitzer Gallery in Santa Cruz, CA. The 9-member organization is a collaboration of professionals, dedicated to fostering appreciation for locally produced, one-of-a-kind, handmade woodwork.

I will be showing a music stand, a bed, and several other new works. My colleagues will be showing newly created furniture, decorative turned wood, and musical string instruments. We have also invited woodblock artists Andrea Rich and Aaron Johnson to display woodblock prints and the carved wood blocks used to create them.
The R. Blitzer Gallery is located at 2801 Mission Street in Santa Cruz, telephone 831-458-1217. An Opening Night reception will be held on May 6, from 5 to 9pm. Hope to see you there!